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  • Writer's picturebhakti shewale

Embarking on a mindful journey: Beginning of a new chapter

Hello, dear readers! I am beyond thrilled to welcome you to the beginning of a new chapter - the inception of my blog on mindfulness and productivity. As someone who has spent a considerable amount of her time navigating landscapes of market research and consulting, I find myself compelled to explore and share a different facet of life that is interlinked to our professional journey - the realm of mindful living.

The Catalyst for Change

In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, where data points and strategy meetings often dictated my days, I stumbled upon a profound realization. Amidst the spreadsheets and client presentations, I yearned for a sense of balance and purpose. It was then that I delved into the world of mindfulness – a journey that has transformed my approach to work and my entire perspective on life.

A Mindful Pivot

So, why mindfulness and productivity? The answer lies in the synergy between these two seemingly disparate concepts. In my professional journey, I've witnessed the power of a focused mind and a purpose-driven approach. Honestly, at the start of my career, I remember being lost, confused, burning the midnight oil, and being on an emotional whirlwind (especially when my superior was unhappy with the outcome). But then who isn’t, right? Since we all are learning, and this comes with being a novice. However, gradually it dawned on me that it only requires the right change in mindset to achieve your set goals and at the same time mindfulness.

The Vision for this Blog

This blog is not just a collection of words on a virtual page; it's an invitation to embark on a mindful journey together. Here, I aim to share insights, practical tips, and personal stories that bridge the gap between the analytical minds honed in consulting and the tranquillity found in mindful living.

Exploring the Intersection

As I transition from the structured world of consulting to the creative blogging space, my goal is to explore the intersection of mindfulness and productivity. How can these principles complement each other? Can the analytical mind find harmony with the serene soul? These are the questions that drive this exploration.

What to Expect

In the upcoming posts, we will delve into mindfulness practices tailored for the professional world, productivity hacks grounded in purpose, and anecdotes from my journey of navigating this balance. I'm thrilled to share practical insights that can be seamlessly integrated into our busy lives.

Join Me on the Journey

I invite you to join me on this mindful journey. Whether you're a fellow professional seeking balance, an enthusiast of mindfulness, or someone curious about a new approach to productivity, this space is for you. Let's create a community where we learn, grow, and support each other in embracing mindfulness as a tool for a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Thank you for being here at the beginning of this adventure. I look forward to the discussions, insights, and shared moments of mindfulness that await us.

Here's to a mindful and productive journey together!

Until later my productive friends,

Bhakti Morajkar

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